Sylvie 2021 Robot Arm

By Denise_Jaimes

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Sylvie 2021 Robot Arm

By Denise_Jaimes

at 2024-05-02
Robot arm for Sylvie 2021. Uses similar concept to the Inmoov robot hand, but makes use of microservos installed in the palm of the hand. Only the wrist gears were borrowed from Inmoov. Rest was designed from scratch. The gearboxes for elbow, elbow z-axis and shoulder will come in a separate file. To-do list: - Add X axis servo to the wrist, remove the X axis servo from the arm. - Create cover with housing for PCA9685 and LM2596 buck converter - Replace fully 3d printed needle bearings with 4.5mm steel bb ball bearings - Make space and housing for 6x8 PCB at the biceps - Write inverse kinematics solver code in 3D - Replace Arduino Nano's with STM32F103
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Joined over 3 years ago Hamilton, New Zealand

Girlfriend of Sylvie 2021.


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