Sunlu Filament Dryer Fan

By Stevie135s

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Sunlu Filament Dryer Fan

By Stevie135s

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Sunlu Filament Dryer Fan

By Stevie135s

at 2024-05-06
I found that putting silica bags in the dryer.. just dries out those silica bags.. It's a dryer. There's no reason why it would absorb any moisture. When then dryer cools, any moisture in the now wet dryer would go back into the filament and silica bags. It's a closed unit.. So i designed a method to remove the excess moisture from the dryer before it returns to the filament. I just run it for a few seconds during drying (maybe a minute) and the moisture disappears. I found that a bag of silica in the housing is good for one session or one day. A used bag doesn't remove any moisture. Put a new bag in the housing and put the used one in the dryer with the filament. Running the fan only while there's a build up of moisture on the insides of the dryer.


The fan is 40mm x 10mm. A suitable hole is cut at the back of the lid using a hole cutter (not for the faint hearted). Contact adhesive is used to secure the fan housing. The 12 volt fan is run from a 5 volt supply (possibly a power bank that has no low power cutout). A silica gel bag is placed inside the housing ( with enough room to allow for possible expansion). The lid stop is modified from


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