We are a team of engineering students from the Politecnico di Torino (Turin, Italy) working with a 9 years old girl affected by spastic quadriplegia, a subset of spastic cerebral palsy that affect all the four limbs.
The project stems from a collaboration between the Hackability association < http://www.hackability.it/ > and the Hackability@PoliTo < http://www.hackability.it/teampolito/ > students team. The collaboration aims at co-design with disabled people tools the will improve their everyday life and foster their participation to active society.
Here you can find the 3D printed parts from our project.
More info and full details on the project page here https://hackaday.io/project/25210-su-il-ripiano-su-il-morale.
The team:
Matteo Monsello
Lorenzo Galleani
Alessandro Meneghini
Eugenia Crisafulli
Giacomo Petraglia
Giovanni Malacarne
Marcella Toma
We found that Anita had a lot of trouble trying to use her electric wheelchair's joystick, so we designed a new one to enable more freedom and better mobility. It is printed in PLA and flexible filament, for better grip and for suction-mounting on the already existing joystick.
To assembly simply join the three parts together with some glue.
Note: if the adapter is too tight to enter in the base make a hole with a needle in the base of the adapter, to let the air escape.
A remix of the GLIFO< https://www.myminifactory.com/it/object/glifo-24092 > (a collaboration between OpenDot and TOG foundation) helps Anita to draw. We redesigned it to made it stronger and to fit perfectly in her hands.
Press with a soldering iron a 4 mm nut into place.
Glue the Pen_Holder and the Outer_Ring together and then glue a 4 mm bolt to the Flower_Handle. Insert the Inner_Ring into the Outer_Ring.
To keep her in a correct and more comfortable position we designed two NinjaPillow that fit on the elbow holders. They are printed with flexible filament and 3D infill, to get a soft feeling.
Many thanks to Giuseppe Terruso for helping out with the design.
(print one for each side)
Instructions on how to mount them here< https://www.instructables.com/id/Su-Il-Ripiano-Su-Il-Morale >