StratoKOSS cups

By Plasticube

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over 4 years
Some tips for other n00bs like me: - the holes for the headband wire are 3mm. In my print they came out slightly smaller. I have 3.15mm wire so I ran a drillbit through by hand to make the holes slightly larger, and it works great. - the wire you're looking for to make the headband is often called music wire or piano wire. Basically it's spring steel, so it won't deform as soon as you put the headphones on - those two little pieces in the print are meant to be glued into the centre of the cup and that's what the drivers clip into. Yeah, it's obvious once you know but it took me longer than it should've to figure it out.
about 7 years
Nice job! What pads are you using on the headphones pictured?


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