Stepper Motor V1

By Proto G

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1. Six 1/4" neodymium magnets. 3. 608ZZ Bearing 4. Eight 8d 2-3/8" nails - Not critical what nails you use as long as they fit. 5. Magnet Wire - I used 0.315mm magnet wire but this is not critical. 6. Arduino Uno 7. Four Transistors - I used PNP transistors I had lying around, but you can use whatever transistors you want or MOSFETS as long as you make sure they can handle the current your motor will draw. Read the datasheet carefully for specific recommendations. On 5v mine motor draws about 1 amp and on 12v it demands about 3 amps. 8. 3D Printed Rotor and Stator 9. Glue 10. Electrical Tape 11. A compass
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Joined about 10 years ago Florida

I love making things. I'm a full time Mechanical Engineer, but I also consider myself an Electrical Engineer. I graduated from UCF and spent two summers working at NASA.


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