A fairly simple Goggle design put together in OpenSCAD. There are parts for the right and left eyecups to be printed in Bronzefill, for the lids to the boxes on either side of the cups (also Bronzefill) and shims to hide the utter mess caused by the support material on the front of the boxes (ditto Bronzefill).Smaller parts include the bridge to cover the cables and the "rubber" rings printed at the eye end of the cups. These are both printed in Midnight Black Ninjaflex.The whole thing was printed on a stock, unmodified UM2. Bronzefill settings were as per Colofabb's recommendations. Ninjaflex settings were as follows:- 20mm/sec- 0.1mm/layer- Extruder Temp 235C- Bed Temp 45C- Retraction Speed: 35mm/sec, Length: 6.5mm
- Colorfabb Bronzefill
- Ninjaflex Midnight Black
- 2mm Copper Wire
- Pre-made Gears (Hobbycraft UK)
- Adafruit Neopixel Ring (x2)
- Adafruit Trinket
- Adafruit Powerboost 500C
- Large zip-tie (structural part of the bridge)
- 3mm Dark Tinted Acrylic