Assemble instruction is in my youtube channel
The parts are designed and tested to fit each other, however the tolerance is depends on a 3d-printer's condition.
Please remove the supports completely. May need a sandpaper or cutter while assemble the parts.
Use a raw 1.75mm filament and super glue while assemble the parts.
Reference color:
Grey: Front_LandingGear_*, Rear_LandingGear, *_Windscreen_Hatch, Seats, Missile_Pallet_*, MainRotorShaft, MainRotorBlade, TailRotorBlade, Stand_*, Cannon_02, Body_03.stl
Gold: Engine, Sensor_02, ExhaustVent_*.stl
Silver: 3-Barrel_Cannon, Missile_X8, MissileBay_Frame.stl
Clear: Windscreen_Panel_*.stl
Olive green: All the Rest