A small 50 mm x 50 mm x 50 mm cube made up of 5 layers that are stacked on top of each other in a specific order and orientation.
Each layer is made up of a number of holes and pegs that interlock with the next layer.
When the layers have been stacked in the correct order the result is a cube.
Print settings: Layer Height 0.15 mm, Shell 1 mm & 3 wall, Infill 25%, Tri Hexagon, Build Plate Adhesion Brim
Approximate Print times.
100% takes 7 Hr 34 Min , Weight 80 g and 26.81 m of filament.
75% takes 4 Hr, Weight 39 g Weight 13.21 m of filament.
50% takes 1 Hr 38 Min , Weight 15 g & 4.51 m of filament.