Stack On Replacement Drawers with Handles

By Jason Cheers

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Stack On Replacement Drawers with Handles

By Jason Cheers

at 2024-05-02
These drawers were designed to work with some of the Stack On 39 Drawer Storage Cabinet to provide divided drawers. I have tested the ones in included in this in my cabinet, but due to printer differences and manufacturing differences I don't know if they will work in all of them. Currently I only have the smaller drawers completed, with two compartments or three. I intend on doing the larger drawers in the future, the basic drawer is designed just need to come up with how to divide them. The handles come in two varieties, one for 6-32 hardware and one for M4 hardware M4 bolt 8mm length or less with washer M4 nut press fit into M4 knob 6-32 screw 3/8 inch length or less with washer 6-32 nut press fit into 632 knob Just insert the bolt from the inside and screw the knob on.



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