We recently received in our shop 2kg of Carbon Fiber PLA from our friends of Protopasta, so we decided to design something special to premiere ;).
Visit our shop: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Prototipadora/824352087576942
ProtoPasta Material: http://www.proto-pasta.com/shop/cfpla
-Carbon Fiber PLA (or any kind of filament)
-Socket Head Cap Screws 6-32 x 3/4
-Hex Machine Nuts Stainless 6-32
Hi Cyclone, yes is possible, actually I did it a year ago, but by the use the snaps get lose and don't work plus I love how the Hex bolts looks ;) (https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/998770_10151846050251341_163783868_n.jpg?oh=5c7cb527bd57bc934ad8486dd390457b&oe=55198998&__gda__=1424629128_49308b50a9578c5c5eb0bf5258e80220)
about 10 years
Couldn't it b made snap together if instead of bolts you had nubs at the tip of the link that snapped into the pockets in the rear of the next link.