Bounds test: Load the print, slice it, and do a 'Dry Run' print without actually extruding anything to observe that the print head can traverse the entire build surface without colliding with anything. To enable dry run, click on the Manual Control tab, deselect 'Easy Mode' in Repetier-Host 1.06, and Click on and enable the 'Dry Run' button that appears at the bottom right of the manual control window prior to printing. Don't forget to disable 'Dry Run' afterwards. :-)Bed Leveling: Slice and print the model while not in dry run mode. As it prints the outer circle, carefully adjust your bed levelling set-screws for X, Y, and Z so that you get a consistent print with good adhesion across the entire build area. Angular Accuracy: Print the model while not in dry run mode. After the print is finished, The angle of the X and Y lines should each measure 30 degrees from horizontal when measured with a protractor.Dimensions Test: Print the model while not in dry run mode. After the print is finished,
The distance from center point to any outside edge should be exactly 75mm. You can use this to check, X, Y, or any angle in between to check out-of-round errors.
-Digital Calipers or Ruler
-Allen Wrench (for bed leveling)
Note: The .FUN file is the Cubify Invent 3D CAD model for those that want to modify the design.