Snowflake Shaped Icing and Cookie Cutter

By Coofer Cat

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Snowflake Shaped Icing and Cookie Cutter

By Coofer Cat

at 2024-05-02
On an Ultimaker, just load the file into ReplicatorG and generate gcode for it, and then print it (remember it's about 100mm across, so it needs plenty of spare space on your printer's table). Other printers probably can do something similar. The cutting edges are 0.5mm thick, so are quite tricky to print solidly, and may end up being quite fragile.My printer left a few thing "strings" on some of the faces; I used a sharp craft knife to cut them off, remebering that both sides of the cutting edges need to be smooth(!). Also, don't forget to gently wash this before using it on food.

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