Small ratcheting cable clamps for geeks

By fns720

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Small ratcheting cable clamps for geeks

By fns720

at 2024-05-09
These tiny ratcheting cable clamps may help you to store your tangling cables properly. Middle size version is good for power & thicker USB cables, while the small version was designed especially for thin headphone cables.Update #20160403: I have added lock-20x3mm.stl and ratchet-20x3mm.stl ratchet-lock pair. The ratchet inner diameter is 20 mm, the teeth are 2 mm tall and the ratchet itself is 3 mm thick. This one works best (I've printed >30 pcs to the family already). Update #20160418: I made 30 and 40 mm diameter versions (simple zooming increases spikes too so that's why I designed them individually). Here is the start-finish workflow:
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