Simple Secret Box II: Coin Bank

By gzumwalt

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Print and Prepare the Parts. I printed one each of all parts at .15mm layer height with 20% infill. Prior to assembly, test fit and trim, file, sand, etc. all parts as necessary for smooth movement of moving surfaces, and tight fit for non moving surfaces. Depending on the colors you chose and your printer settings, more or less trimming, filing and/or sanding may be required. Carefully file all edges that contacted the build plate, especially in and around the dovetail joinery, to make absolutely sure that all build plate "ooze" is removed and that all edges are smooth. I used small jewelers files and plenty of patience to perform this step. Assembly. Start the assembly process with "Side, Left.stl", Side, Right.stl" and "Divider.stl". Orient these components as indicated in the photograph then press them together. Next, using the "End, Lock.stl", "Cam 1.stl" and "Cam 2.stl" components, slide cam 2 onto the axle on end lock, followed by cam 1, in the orientation shown. The cams must pivot easily on the axle. While aligning the end lock axle with the hole in the divider, press this assembly onto the end of the sides and divider assembly as shown. Rotate both cam 1 and cam 2 such that the flat sides of each cam are parallel with the divider then hold in place with a business card. Next, slide "Top With Slot.stl" into the assembly until it aligns with end lock, remove the business card, then secure the top in the assembly with "End.stl" as shown. Finally, press "Base.stl" onto the bottom of the assembly as shown. Using the Box. With the box closed, you, your family, your friends, etc. should add coins or bills to supplement your retirement / retirement funding requirements! Or, you can simply add coins to the grandkids box. In either event when the time comes where you or the grandkids need to withdraw funds, the box has a secret method of opening that, well, you'll figure it out eventually... That's how I printed and assembled Simple Secret Box II: Coin Bank. I hope you enjoy it!
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