Simple Camera Slider

By DanielNoree

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Simple Camera Slider

By DanielNoree

at 2024-05-02
I needed a simple camera slider and so i made one. This is basically a quick´n dirty design done in Fusion 360. I´m sure there are ton´s of design´s out there that are alot better! Anyway, it designed for bronze bushings 16x10x16mm on two 10mm axles. The bushings will snap into place on the camera carriage and i use it like that. It´s possible to secure them using zip ties aswell. Further on, there are two holes on the side brackets and one of those is slightly oblong. This is to compensate for any misalignment. The camera screw in the middle is from Ebay. I also made a pocket to fit a Lego motor to fit in the side brackets for motorized motion of the camera.

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