Silicone padding for Prusa Faceshield RC2/RC3

By Marcus Wolschon

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Silicone padding for Prusa Faceshield RC2/RC3

By Marcus Wolschon

at 2024-05-06
Simple mold to cast paddings our of silicone or other soft, desinfectable materials. (Sorry for not cutting off the flashing before making the photo.) The AD_PRT is the original, parametric design file in Alibre Design file format. I gave proper names to the parameters, to easily adapt the dimensions to other headbands. I did not make use of the holes in the Prusa Faceshield RC2 because they have been removed in the RC3 design.
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I'm trying to design things that serve a practical purpose.Mostly film making gear and parts for CNC machines.For my designs I try to also publish* the original file (usually Alibre/Geomagic)* technical drawings with dimensionsy...


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