An easy, nice, sexy and lovely heart bracelet design for everyone! Flexible, just like true love! Thought to be printed in FilaflexAfter the success of Recreus Filaflex 3D printed Sandals, from BCN3D Technologies and Ateneus de Fabricació, we have been working on new ways to exploit this awesome material. We have came up with a bracelet concept which everyone can easily download, and print in a few minutes. PRINT SETTINGS: PRINT SPEED: 40 mm/sINFILL: 0% (Spiral Vase)LAYER HEIGHT: 0,3mmTEMP HOTEND: 235ºCTEMP HOTBED: 0ºCNOZZLE: 0.6mmFLOW: 200%SIZE CONVERSION:Scale up or down to get your size.
Filaflex, Ninjaflex, ABS (but it won't be as flexible)