Secret Hitler Board Game Enhanced

By calvintam

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Secret Hitler Board Game Enhanced

By calvintam

at 2024-05-12
##What is Secret Hitler Extended? The Secret Hitler Extended Edition is an improved version of the board game Secret Hitler, it attempts to fix several annoyances of the original with new ideas. This is not made to replace nor replicate the game. ##Proposed Fixes The liberal and fascist boards are replaced with a board that has slots to hold the policy firmly in place. The policy tracker is moved to the side of the liberal board, and replaced with a dial, the dial is twisted to point to the current state of the tracker. The policy deck holder holds the policy in place so that the finger can easily thumb through the cards and retrieve 3 pieces easily. ##What about the 5-6 players board & etc We don't usually play the 5-6 version, but if there's enough requests for one I would probably make it. As for the rest of the pieces, such as the votes and roles cards, it is better to use the official playing cards. A printable version of those is also available in thingiverse in another project. ##Feedbacks Feedbacks are welcome, do let me know in the comments, and as always please leave your makes if you print these.



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I am an iOS software engineer, but I like to experiment with electronics. And most recently, making practical objects with 3d printing.


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