SCRU-FE: Simple C++ Robot with Ultra-sonic Sensor for Education: Arduino UNO Obstacle Avoidance Maze Programming

By rtheiss

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over 9 years
<p>That is awesome to hear, let me know how it goes!</p><p>My middle school students love the one I made for class - some call it our class mascot. &nbsp;the only variation is that I used battery boxes with switches on them&nbsp;</p><p>SCRU-FE gives me teachable moments when the students pick him up and ask questions about how this or that works, getting students that otherwise would not care about programming to learn a little bit at a time. &nbsp;Its the best fifty dollars I spent on teaching aids ever.</p><p>I am hoping to do a fundraiser next year for ten of these that can rotate between our four middle schools as well as a PB metal simple and some filament since it looks like we will be in dire straits as far as funding from the state for next year and my personal 3D printers keep breaking down.</p><p>Good Luck!</p><p>Ryan</p>
over 9 years
<p>Printing it Monday at my Middle School in Calgary using a Printrbot metal plus. We have all the other parts. <br></p><p>I was hoping to buy a class set of BeoBots, but just can't afford them. Between this robot chassis and the Arduino Uno-Lego platform robot base I am hoping to find alternatives.&nbsp;&nbsp; Maybe this will get the students designing too.&nbsp;</p><p>Thanks</p><p>Tim</p><p></p>
over 9 years
<p>Nice idea :)</p>
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