This is the enclosure for the SAV 3D LCD. The SAV 3D LCD is reasonably small in comparison with other LCD modules out there. It is assembled as a backpack behind a regular 20x4 LCD module; at the front it has a rotary encoder with pushbutton and 2 configurable buttons which I have mapped to KILL and HOME. It comes with an extension board which fits very nicely onto the SAV MkI, sanguino, printrboard and teensylu. You can read about it here: and print, drop the LCD module in side, fix the board with two M3 screws, connect 14 pin boxed connector with ribbon cable and press fit the lid. If you have a Prusa i3 or a Power Code, you can print the frame mount support for it. Use the lcdSupport_prusa i3 or lcdSupport_powerCode supports respectively. For fixing onto the machine, use the 3D SAV LCD_enclosure2. You will need a M3 25mm screw and nut to connect the support your machine.