At the moment, the seller seems to have 0 items for sale on Ebay. So I reckon either Ebay took them down, or the seller decided to lay low until the whole thing blows over.
almost 9 years
This has been going on for a couple of weeks now. I assume that you have
contacted eBay by now. What was there response?
almost 9 years
That's terrible! I'm so sorry. Can you take it up with eBay itself since the seller is being so obnoxious about this?
almost 9 years
I've had a CC-BY-SA design of mine "stolen" and mass produced. From now on I'm only uploading the designs that are not "quite there". The bastards can steal my prototypes, but not my finished designs.
almost 9 years
I printed out ! Respect for the makers and that e-bay seller must be down ! its not funny anymore ...
almost 9 years
The ability to copyright a particular class of tangible objects is determined by the Library of Congress. They review their classifications every three years. The courts can overrule this, but until overruled, items are considered copyrighted if they meet the general criteria required.
Items released under one of the 6 classifications of general public licenses are not public domain, but rather licensed. Users must meet the requirements as specified in the license.
A good precis of copyright law can be found in Wikipedia.
The Makebot-Thingverse argument has no merit. There is an agreement when request that a Website host your creation.
Note also that copyrights that are not registered with the copyright office provide much less control than those that are.
I would suspect that eBay will likely probably investigate the matter if brought to its attention.
almost 9 years
If your item has always been licensed on Thingiverse as CC BY-NC-ND, then they are clearly violating your license and you should report your items within Ebay. If enough owners do that I would assume that Ebay will close him down.