Rubber Band Gun remix² 5 shots

By DrLex

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0.2 mm layers, 15% infill, No rafts nor supports, 3D Eksperten PLA and PETG, Silky silver and black You can print at thinner layer heights to get a cleaner finish (with 0.2, there are only 3 layers above the holes for the clips, which could result in scars on the surface). You should ensure though that the middle part is as close to 6 mm, and the sides as close to 3 mm thick as possible, for the clips to fit well. Ensure the trigger piece has a nice flat top surface: use enough top layers (at least 4) and perhaps a narrower extrusion width for the final layer. Since the clips are small anyway, you could print all variations at once and pick the ones that fit best. On a well-calibrated printer, the regular clips should work fine. ## HOW I DESIGNED THIS It seemed trivial to simply take the original design and increase the number of notches, but this proved a bit naïve. Modifying the angles and moving notches higher up, increased the risk of the bands getting snagged. The material I was using also had very high friction and this made the upper bands reluctant to crawl upwards, especially when carelessly trying to add sloped surfaces in the hopes of solving the snagging problem. In the end I added specific chamfers to remove any points on which the bands could get stuck, and I changed the slope of the topmost surfaces. I printed increasingly minimal versions of the side panels to test designs until I had something that works reliably (see last photo). This is not the first 5-shot upgrade to this design. Only weeks after uploading this, I found out that others ([1](, [2]( had done it before, but I didn't find them earlier due to the terrible unreliability of Thingiverse's search system. This version however, has extra refinements that should improve reliability.
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I have briefly tried out YouMagine as an alternative to Thingiverse, which has been in a state of increasing deterioration since 2017. Unfortunately this site also seems too stagnant for the effort I put into it, so I won't be adding new designs. I am...


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