Robo 3D R1+ Bump Guard

By john.tatum

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Robo 3D R1+ Bump Guard

By john.tatum

at 2024-05-02
This project originated with a desire for a good camera mount for the Robo 3D R1+ for use with [OctoPrint]( Several of the existing options mounted to the print bed, but I did not want to add any unnecessary weight to the print bed. I wanted something that would offer flexible mounting options, and as I thought about how I would build something to do what I wanted, I decided that I also wanted something that would outline the travel area for the print bed. This is printed in three primary components, with an optional fourth. The left and right hand cantilevers simply hook on the inside of the body, and actually engage with the recess in the bottom of the printer to provide a small degree of positive retention. The front piece (front_filler.stl) is dovetailed to fit into the matching cutouts in the cantilever. The fourth piece (cross_piece.stl), which can be omitted, is a spacer that goes in the back over the front edge of the printer. It serves simply to add a little bit of rigidity to the whole assembly, which makes the assembly quite easy to install when completed. I recommend using the fourth piece unless there is some reason not to. Assembly is quite easy and should be fairly self-evident: print and post-process all parts, then clean and glue the front filler to the cantilevers using cyanoacrylate or epoxy. Glue the cross piece in using the same, then install. I have included the .skp file, including all components, as well as .stl files for each component.
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Joined over 7 years ago Texas, U.S.A.

John Tatum is a software developer living in central Texas. He likes clean code, scalable infrastructure, and automation. When he is not at work, John enjoys whatever seems interesting at the time.


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