RetroPie Case

By smartroad

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RetroPie Case

By smartroad

at 2024-05-03
I wanted an enclosure for my RetroPie. Something different and more console like. I drew inspiration from the OUYA, the NES and one of the ghosts from PacMan.The case is in two parts, the main body and a base. The RaspberryPi sits vertically on the base with its SD card and power ports facing down. There is enough room under the case for an SD card to stick out, but it needs a right angle adaptor for the USB power to fit.I have used the RetroPie GPIO adaptor to interface with the SNES connectors and the multifunction front button. On the back I have broken out the composite video and audio to RCA sockets for connection to a TV rather than the HDMI. Both USB ports are available from the top of the case.It is a big print and took about 11 hours for the main case body.

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