XY blocks with integrated belt tensioners are cool. But after designing several of them and using them for months, I've come to the conclusion that they are actually an unnecessary convergence of features and a general pain to use. Rarely (*aka - never*) do I want to simultaneously tighten my belts, adjust my 6mm rods, and adjust my 8mm bushings... so having all of those features in the same part makes each one of those operations far more complicated than it needs to be. **Knowing that now, I present the Reptar XY - *Version Two:*** a simple, lightweight, *easy to use* XY block. The 6mm rods snap in and are secured by 3 #2 x 0.5in plastite screws. Belt tensioning is achieved by using any of the external belt tensioners... or... even better... by switching to 303 tooth GT2 belts and doing away with belt tensioners entirely. The belt length on those is perfect without any additional tensioners, and has lasted 1000+print hours without needing adjustment. Belt indexing is easily achieved by marking the edges of the belt with white paint after assembly - meaning with these blocks, you will never have to adjust your pulleys again!