Reptar XY! - Version Two

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Reptar XY! - Version Two

Published at 2024-05-03

By nhfoley



22 objects 69 Followers
Joined almost 11 years ago


XY blocks with integrated belt tensioners are cool. But after designing several of them and using them for months, I've come to the conclusion that they are actually an unnecessary convergence of features and a general pain to use. Rarely (*aka - never*) do I want to simultaneously tighten my belts, adjust my 6mm rods, and adjust my 8mm bushings... so having all of those features in the same part makes each one of those operations far more complicated than it needs to be.  **Knowing that now,  I present the Reptar XY - *Version Two:*** a simple, lightweight, *easy to use* XY block. The 6mm rods snap in and are secured by 3 #2 x 0.5in plastite screws.  Belt tensioning is achieved by using any of the external belt tensioners... or... even better... by switching to 303 tooth GT2 belts and doing away with belt tensioners entirely. The belt length on those is perfect without any additional tensioners, and has lasted 1000+print hours without needing adjustment.   Belt indexing is easily achieved by marking the edges of the belt with white paint after assembly - meaning with these blocks, you will never have to adjust your pulleys again!


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about 7 years
HI Man, I really loved the concept and I want to use it in my own DIY printer, can you share more photos from the whole project? Do you have videos?
over 8 years
Same question as Lyle LeBlanc ... where are the limit switch addons? Dd you forgot to include them? How did you solve it?
almost 9 years
Hey! Thanks for the design! I've successfully printed and installed them only to realize I've completely forgotten about the limit switches. I see in one of the pictures that there's something that attaches to the back, but I cant seem to find the files anywhere. Before I go ahead and make something crude and utilitarian I was wondering if you actually already have a file for these? I tried to use the ones from your first version but there wasn't enough space between the frame of the machine and the xy block on the front of the machine to make it work. It is quite possible I'm doing something wrong though. Thoughts? Cheers!
almost 9 years
Plastite screws are designed for plastics. They are cutting their threads themself. I guess normal ones will do it.
almost 9 years
What are plastite screws? Can you use normal screws instead. We don't have such a thing in the UK, I think the imperial dimensions don't help
over 9 years
Hi, have you printing instructions for those blocks? Can it in PLA be printed? Or Nylon works better?. Infill %?. Thanks in advance!
over 9 years
<p>Ok, great! Thanks for the tip about orientation -- I guess that must make a difference for the strength of the object. Any advice on the amount of infill (using Cura)?</p>
over 9 years
<p>Ok, great! Thanks for the tip about orientation -- I guess that must make a difference for the strength of the object. Any advice on the amount of infill (using Cura)?</p>
over 9 years
<p>The endstop is just a screw - there is no plastic part necessary.&nbsp;</p><p>Use "Split Object" in Cura to orient them as you wish them to be printed. I believe the last set I printed used a 45/45/45 isometric sort of orientation with full support and I like those results the best.&nbsp;</p>
over 9 years
<p>Hi, these blocks appear very attractive and convenient to use, but .. as <a class="mentioned-user" href="/users/aviphysics" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">@aviphysics</a> mentioned, it seems that an endstop part is missing from the set of files. Also, in the v2.8 STL, which is presumably the one to go for, the layout doesn't separate the two parts for easy printing. Maybe you could take a look at this?</p><p><i>Edit.</i> I just find those missing endstops here: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a><br></p><i>Edit 2.</i> Remaining questions are answered on this discussion page (Google finds all): <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>
almost 10 years
<p><a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="" class="mentioned-user">@nhfoley</a>&nbsp;thanks! didn't noticed that you have answered. it's soldiworks you use, right? and for the SSS thread: "no problemo", i really love these drivers!</p><p>@Irvick:&nbsp;take a look here: <a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href=""></a>, and&nbsp;I&nbsp;really&nbsp;would&nbsp;suggest&nbsp;to&nbsp;change&nbsp;both,&nbsp;the&nbsp;pulleys&nbsp;AND&nbsp;the&nbsp;belts&nbsp;at&nbsp;once.</p>
almost 10 years
<p>hows these orientated</p>
almost 10 years
<p>how do these get orientated</p>
almost 10 years
<p>You mention the advantage of 303 tooth GT2 belts in this setup. Do you have a specific part number you have tested that works well with the stock pulleys?</p>
almost 10 years
<p>Yup, not a problem. Adding now. Thanks for the helpful post on the UM forums about the Silentstepsticks BTW! I am using that as my guide to convert my second machine as we speak. Huge improvement...</p>
almost 10 years
<p>hey nick ;)<br>would you mind sharing your original CAD files (ipt or whatever)?<br>I would like to make some little changes for easier printing.<br>thank you - so long - for the originals ;)</p>
about 10 years
love the blocks, but the model seems to be missing end stops. I see the screw holes for the endstops, but it seems like there ought to be another part to go with them.
over 10 years
<p>Hi nhfoley!</p><p>Please upload an STEP file of Reptar XY-Version two!&nbsp;</p><p>Would gladly use this blocks for my printer, but need it for 8mm gantry!</p><p>Hope, You can do it as soon as possible!</p><p>Thank You in advance!</p><p>Eugen</p>
over 10 years
<p>Hi nhfoley!</p><p>Please upload an STEP file of Reptar XY-Version two!&nbsp;</p><p>Would gladly use this blocks for my printer, but need it for 8mm gantry!</p><p>Hope, You can do it as soon as possible!</p><p>Thank You in advance!</p><p>Eugen</p>
over 10 years
I would like to create the same piece but for 15mm ball bearing. Could you tune you design or send my your CAD files?

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