RasPi B+ camera mount

By Nigel Johnson

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RasPi B+ camera mount

By Nigel Johnson

at 2024-05-03
The assumption is that you already have a Raspberry Pi Model B+, the Pi Camera module of your choice, any extension cable and the capture software for taking the images and converting to a movie etc.This thing is a modular harness that will attach and support the Pi and the camera module onto the front or side of an Ultimaker 2. The camera can be moved into any position in 2 planes (there is no rotation) so it can look down on your print, or hanging underneath look directly at your print.It should also be noted that the focal length of the PI Cam module is about 45cm. For this reason you'll probably want to hotglue a +2.0 reading glass lens over the front of the module to get this back in the region of 20-25cm... where this camera actually sits from the center of the build plate.InstructionsFor the pi you will need a Pi Frame Front, a Pi Frame Back, a hook of your choice (depending on where you'l like to situate your Pi - I'd suggest the side) and a bolt of your choosing. Assembly should be pretty self explanatory.For the camera mount you will need the pi cam mount, and the mount block which needs to be glued into the recess in the mount - I couldn't think of a more elegant solution. You then need a hook of your choosing (I'd suggest the front) and a regular sized bolt - the big one is too big.You then need at least 2 arm pieces to give the flexibility and a bolt of your choice for each. The mount block has the thread so you need to bolt through the hole in the arm into the block. The same then happens for the second arm.You should then press the Pi Camera Module into the slot in the camera head. be careful not to dislodge the yellow block under the camera lens - the next iteration of this will have more space here :)You can now hotglue the lens from the glasses over the camera lens and the camera head should then bolt through to the top of the last arm piece.

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