I was looking for a mounting system for the Pi Zero, so it could do something more useful than just laying on its back. Inspired by Steven Casidy and the Zero View camera mount. https://plus.google.com/113412077537539082154
1/8" Birch Plywood
2mm width zip-ties
Raspberry Pi Zero
Simply download the design SVG and cut it on your local laser cutter. Red vectors are cut lines, black vectors are etching. Speed, intensity, etc. depends on your material. When you're done cutting, simply sandwich the Pi Zero between the front and the back plates and neatly fasten with zip-ties or 2.5mm case screws (your choice). Picture shows a camera connector stacked underneath and facing out the cutout for the main CPU. Have fun. Lemme know if there's any problems with the SVG, I have the original .ai file.