All other settings, including print speed were set to default normal settings. for ABS material in Cura 2.1.2.
As you can see I haven't done any tweeking with Cura settings, was just curious how it would come out with 150 micron and to see how the adhesion would be.
I came to the conclusion that using a Brim wasn't required. The power of Tesa is real!
The two parts are a perfect fit as it was designed to be. Great job and thanks to "0110-M-P"! Use the following link to get the design for yourself:
Ultimaker ABS Red for the top part
Ultimaker ABS Grey for the bottom part
Printed with the Ultimaker 2 Extended+. I used a Brim for both parts in combination with Tesa gluestick just in case.
Nozzle temperature 255
Bed temperature 100
Layerheight 150 micron
bed level Killer bed leveling!
All other settings, including print speed were set to default normal settings. for ABS material in Cura 2.1.2.
As you can see I haven't done any tweeking with Cura settings, was just curious how it would come out with 150 micron and to see how the adhesion would be.
I came to the conclusion that using a Brim wasn't required. The power of Tesa is real!
The two parts are a perfect fit as it was designed to be. Great job and thanks to "0110-M-P"!