Race Game School Box

By 3DPProfessor

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Race Game School Box

By 3DPProfessor

at 2024-05-03
My son has some trouble keeping focus on his school assignments. But we discovered if we tie his progress to a game he does better. So I made this for him.The ruler is accurate, if your printer is accurate.How to play:Place the robot token on the last bend of the track.Place the boy token on the start line.Every time the boy finishes a question without help he moves forward.Every time a teacher or parent tells the boy to get back on task the robot moves forward.If the robot wins the game resets, if the boy wins he gets a treat.
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Winner of the TinkerCad/Makerbot chess challenge, author of 3D Printing Blueprints, and all around cool guy.http://joes3dworkbench.blogspot.com/ 


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