2 sets of files are available. You may print this purse with soluble support as a completed assembly if you have a large dual extruder fused deposition modelling additive manufacturing machine; 1. dual extrusion - nhandbag1pciii.stl with phandbag1pciii(1).stl2. dual extrusion - branchhandle.stl with negbranchhandle.stl3. handbagbolt.stl4. handbagnut.stlAlternatively, handbagbolt.stl, handbagnut.stl, and all the non-dual extrusion files may be printed with an inexpensive smaller reprap style 3d printer to print out individual pieces for assembly. I will post the shoulder carry strap for this handbag on http://www.3dprintfilemarket.com in a couple of days. I post new fashion designs and cool projects every month on this website. For commercial development of my handbags and other cool stuff, I invite you to go to http://www.3dprintfilemarket.com/aboutus.html for further details and contact information. Matching shoes and dress pictured will be available on http://www.3dprintfilemarket.com before Oct 31, 2014. Enjoy!