Prusa Mk3 Uni-Feed Filament Roller

By Rtzq0

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Prusa Mk3 Uni-Feed Filament Roller

By Rtzq0

at 2024-05-10
Based on the filament runner from JLTX (though at this point it contains nothing from his original models) this filament routing system uses ubiquitous and cheap bearings and window rollers to smoothly route your filament. If you're like me and your filament feeds from low and to the side, this may substantially improve your quality of life by removing feed-related issues on your printer. The filament is trapped smoothly between two rolling concave POM surfaces which themselves are free to rotate 360 degrees in the horizontal plane. Furthermore, I've included some accessory mounts to "get you back" your hexagon holes, and maybe even put anything you might mount in them "on a swivel" as well. NON-Printed parts: 2 608 bearings (zz or otherwise) 2 POM 608 Window Rollers ( or similar 30mm OD 10mm thick) You might be able to get away with and, but I have not tried this idea.

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