Prusa i3 Z Rod Toppers

By Thinkyhead

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Prusa i3 Z Rod Toppers

By Thinkyhead

at 2024-05-04
These simple add-on parts are for a Prusa i3 with those "z-top" parts that have a through-hole allowing the smooth rods to move up and down. Clip these onto the "z-top" parts to keep the Z smooth rods in place during printing. Remove them when you want to slide out the rods for maintenance.If you need to use/edit the SCAD file, make sure to download the zipped "data" folder and uncompress it in the same folder as the SCAD file.



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Joined about 10 years ago Austin, TX

Hi! I'm Scott "Thinkyhead" Lahteine, avid maker of software (and sometimes other things). In the late 80's I wrote video games for the Amiga computer, including such notable titles "Dino Wars" and "Bill 'n' Ted's Excellent Adventure." In the 90's and 0...


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