Here is Project Snowflake - A project completed with my Kids as a way to do some 3D printing, Electronics construction and Arduino programming of LED light sequences. Using the Awesome Adafruit Neopixel Libraries and almost any Arduino board.
The 3D Printed light sculpture is waterproof and can be used outside - hanging in a tree ideally.
My Blog post here for further help and advice -
You will need to print 30 of the 3D Model segments, they fit together without the need for glue.
We used a Strip of waterproof WS2811 LED's from China - 50 are around $20US or less they are the 12mm type, and will snap-fit into the 3D printed modules.
A small Arduino board is also required.
Attached is a project file to get the LED's to dance. It's based on the Awesome adafruit Neopixel libraries and sample code.
A 12v or 5 v power supply of around 2 Amps (voltage depends on what type of LED's you order)
And do make sure to check out the essential Neopixel Uberguide on the adafruit website here -
Richard Horne (RichRap) is an Electronics Engineer,
Product Designer, Salesman, and Problem Solver working in a wide range of
industries and applications, across many platforms and technologies for the
last 20 years.
My inte...