Got myself a BMG clone and needed a way to mount it.
This design is based on Printrbot Simple Metal Cable Chain E3dD Titan Mount by pewp and Printrbot Bowden Setup by JonnayLin.
You need to use a shorter moter, otherwise you will lose some axis range. Also you need to remove the screw which holds the belt. You can either use a screw with a flatter head or, as I did, use a longer screw on the other side.
The mount itself is attached via three screws and a cable tie. Be aware that I haven't used the design for a long time yet. To increase the stability of the design you can increase the thickness of the mounting points for the screw or replace the cable tie with screws. But this will require some metal work on the printers frame.
It is designed for an e3d v6. The design itself doesn't clamp the hotend. Please use this adapter plate by ClassicGOD to hold the hotend.
How to assembly:
Check the length of the hotends ptfe tube. It should match the end of the adapter and be in direct contact with the extruder.
Assemble the BMG on the mount.
Attach the cable tie to the mount and the printer frame.
Screw the adapter plate including the hotend to the mount.
Don't forget to check if your z-probe is still valid!
Don't use PLA since the extruder motor can get warm. Use a more heat resistance material.