Assuming most users will be printing these components on their Printrbot Simple 1405 before disassembling it, does anybody have any idea of how we're supposed to print the Y-Axis Rod Ends? Both appear to be too long to fit on the default buildplate of a Simple Makers? Is there a way to resize it? Is it expected that we would have another printer? Or are we supposed to have it printed by somebody else?
over 9 years
I can't get the screws in via any method, with or without the rods. I may try scaling it up just a bit and seeing if it'll still hold the rod snugly. I've broken two already trying to get the rods attached.
over 9 years
I actually 'pre-threaded' the ends before assembling them. They need to be a tight fit and it worked out easier to do it 'off printer'
over 9 years
The screw holes on the X Axis Rod Clamp are about .5mm smaller than those on the Z Axis Rod End, which seems to be just enough smaller to make it so that it's impossible to get these attached with plastite screws as instructed. The Z Axis Rod End works fine with the plastite screws.