Printable STL Printbot Adjustable Spool Coaster

By Ed_B

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Printable STL Printbot Adjustable Spool Coaster

By Ed_B

at 2024-05-02
This is my printable stl conversion of Printrbot's Open Source Adjustable Spool Coaster. Based on Printrbot's original DXF lasercut design that is posted here: It will hold almost any size spool of Filament. Just slide it as wide or as thin as your spool and lock down the 3mm bolts. Full assembly instructions can be found at Printrbot: This version is an earlier version (I believe) that uses printed pins to hold the 608zz Bearings instead of bolts.  This is based on the original DXF files and is designed to use all of the original hardware as listed in Printrbot's BOM. It has been modified from a cutting DXF to allow it to be built up (printed). The tabs/sockets, screw and nut channels have been modded to allow it to be printed and assembled with a tight fit. The goal is to have well fitting parts with little or no machining to make them fit. I had excellent results on my printrbot simple using .20 mm height, .4mm nozzle, 30% infill and only 2 perimeters. My prints fit really nice and tight with my setup. I suggest you print 2 parts that attach to each other and see if you have good results with your setup.The final print height is 5.6mm to allow the tabs/sockets to remain as close as possible to the original pattern. If your tabs/sockets are loose fitting, go to 3 perimeters or imports the files into tinkercad and extrude the height to 5.8 or higher. Feel free to mod, edit and share. But please give credit when due. and please share your results or any problems to further this project. Enjoy!

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