I needed to tidy up my workspace so that these power supplies were not dangling all over the place. Also, I did not like leaving the power supplies drawing phantom power when not in use, so I installed power switch to control both supplies.The power switch and receptacle were taken from a dead computer power supply. The dimensions are likely similar in many power supplies.The power switch is mounted on the front side of the printer for easy/quick access.I ended up cutting the original power cord to the UM power brick because I did not have any spare plugs.I used my previous hinged bracket design to put the power supplies under the printer: https://www.youmagine.com/designs/4-way-hinged-baseplateAlso, my heater relay fried , so I replaced the relay with a FET as recommended by JonnyBischof here: https://www.youmagine.com/designs/ultimaker-heated-bed-mosfet-relay-hack-v2Ā The relay boardĀ is mounted Ā on the side wall of the printer using a special not rotating standoff set (scad and STL included here).