Polly Pocket House (Complete)

By SofiaCotter

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Polly Pocket House (Complete)

By SofiaCotter

at 2024-05-06
The perfect gift for a little girl (or anyone, really)! This is an inspired Polly Pocket House from the 90s, that looks like a box, and opens and closes very easily. It is recommended that the several parts are printed alone, to avoid tricky supports! Also, this is a big project, so by printing things separately, it´s easier to manage any failure, and avoid wasting material. This is a complete Polly Pocket house, with the following files: - Right side of the house; - Left side of the house; - The hinge for the right side of the house; - The hinge for the left side of the house; - A ladder that goes to the rooftop; - A pool; - A chair; - A dining table; - A bedside table; - A lamp; - A little doll; The decorations on the walls of the house and the carpets on the floor are not included, obviously! Once you´ve printed it, you can get creative with that artsy stuff. Idea: Print the several parts with different colors! It´s more fun! You can check out a demo video here: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZML21DPyK/

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