PLActron vase delta

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PLActron vase delta

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at 2024-05-03
update 20171019: new model uploaded (V3) with corrected scaling (200mm) the design of this vase is based upon a custom made guitar pick/plectron (PLActron - the customizable & biodegradeable guitpick), which is rotated 240 degrees around the z-axis an extruded along a sine in z.this model is scaled to be printed with 20cm height, which should fit most printers and most can download not one, but 3 different versions of this vase. while the smallest with 32 segments adds some interesting geometry, the 500seg is the way to go if you want a smooth shape,if you can't decide take the 100seg-versionslicing suggestions for Cura 15.02.1Standard configPrint Speed: 42mm/s yes, this is essentialLayer Height: 0.1 mmShell Thickness: 0.8mm Retraction offBottom/Top Thickness 1.1mmFill Density: 0%No Support, No Platform adhesionExpert config;Section Infill: uncheck "Solid infill top"Section Black Magic: check "Spiralize the outer contour"this model is quite easy to print, no overhangs and no detailed structures, you could print it in 0.3mm > Layers without much hesitation.
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