pinephone folding keyboard mockup

By silver

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pinephone folding keyboard mockup

By silver

at 2024-05-02
This is a experiment to see if a folding 3d printable keyboard case can be made for a pinephone that replaces the phone frame and back completely. It is intended to allow an attached keyboard or gamepad to be used with the i2c port. If you are working on your own keyboard phone project, you probably only want rev9aback.stl/scad. Rev 10 moves the vibe motor over a touch, adds a hinge, removes all access holes, and adds a front that can have a keyboard or gamepad bolted into. Any nuts and bolts that fit will work for hinge pins, and some kind of metal rod and spring are needed for the detent. EDIT, made the battery floor a lot thinner and the front tray floor thicker. EDIT EDIT the hinge should fit now Rev 9 has slots on the side to fit the tabs on the phone body a little better, a bigger vibe motor hole, longer battery, and a bit more room around the screw by the charger. Rev 9a has the same vibe motor move as was done in rev 10. (look ma, I'm backporting!) Rev 6 just gives the charger more room and moves the headphones a scootch as well as fatten up the screwposts just a hair. Should be able to be attached without any drilling or cutting (verified on a diy hypercube evo and a prusa i3 mk3). printed rev 6: (macyam, prusa i3, pinephone with printed back frame in pine64 clear case) Also added ppbackplate files that is the same shape with no features that could be used as a battery door if screw inserts were melted in.
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