This is OpenSCAD design of a specialized piggyback. With it you can mount a photocamera (typically Pentax DSLR) with "SMC Pentax-F* 300mm F4.5 ED [IF]" lense on top of Celestron SCT 8i telescope (possiibly also other, with little mdification).
Design is parametrized so it can be easily adapted to other telescope, and different lens.
Here is english translation of parameters from the file:
d1=234; //diameter of larger cylinder of a base mount
d1a=228; //diameter of smaller cylinder of a base mount
d2=64; //diameter of lens tripod mount ring
h2=13; //thickness of lens tripod mount ring
szer=100; //base width
h1=50; //base depth
h1a=10; //szerokość węższego pierścienia podstawy
h1b=21; //width of smaller part of base
kat-sr=17.5; //angle of tripod mount screws (may wary!!!), please experiment
kat-pod=0; //vertical angle between main scope and leans - 0 means parallel
Print with ABS as it is for external usage. To give it required strenght, use 100% infill.