Pico Logic Analyzer Case

By MarcusFecit

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Pico Logic Analyzer Case

By MarcusFecit

at 2024-05-06
I made this case to enclose the Raspberry Pico based LogicAnalyzer shared by Agustín Gimenez Bernad on his GitHub repository: https://github.com/gusmanb/logicanalyzer This design has been shamefully copied from a friend's Onshape design: https://cad.onshape.com/documents/85d09ede43b764d4b2e54127/w/f09e60fc7c65904ef0845270/e/6fe4eaa6672b5ede5df7a1ff I converted the original design into FreeCAD files with some modifications: - Case thickness reduced from 15mm to 11mm - A bit more play for the assembly slot - Four screws instead of 6 Some additional SVG stencils and FreeCAD files are provided, feel free to modify this design at your convenience.
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