PCB routing build platform for Thing-O-Matic

By Marcus Wolschon

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PCB routing build platform for Thing-O-Matic

By Marcus Wolschon

at 2024-05-03
This is an alternative build-platform for the Thing-o-Matic. (May also fit the Cupcake, You'll have to try.) Using the ABP-quick-release ( thingiverse.com/thing:8878 ) you can quickly switch your automated build platform for this platform and using the Repman toolhead adapter ( thingiverse.com/thing:8738 ) and Dremel Milling Toolhead ( thingiverse.com/thing:1703 ) you can start milling PCBs. Make mechanics, enclosures AND electronics on your desktop factory! I'm currently preparing a video explaining all the steps from printing the parts down to setting up VIsolate for optimized voronoi milling and then actually milling a spare Thing-o-Matic end-stop. This is already version 1.2 of the platform while I used version 1.1 . The difference is that you can level the platform using 4 small bolts now. Blog Entry: marcuswolschon.blogspot.com/2011/06/achievement-unlocked-pcb-milling.html Video: youtube.com/watch?v=z14gkPYD0aI------ComponentTraces.pho is a nice file to test this. It is the upper side of the v1.2 mechanical end-stop for a Thing-o-Matic. (You can have 3 additional end-stops + 1 emergency-stop -switch.) In the video I describe the basics of running vIsolate ( sourceforge.net/projects/visolate/ ) to do optimized voronoi milling of that PCB. There are lots of other programs to do the g-code generation too.
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Joined over 10 years ago Marcus@Wolschon.biz

I'm trying to design things that serve a practical purpose.Mostly film making gear and parts for CNC machines.For my designs I try to also publish* the original file (usually Alibre/Geomagic)* technical drawings with dimensionsy...


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