Patio Chair

By Ivor O'Shea

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Patio Chair

By Ivor O'Shea

at 2024-05-03
This miniature patio chair was derived from a ShopBot CNC Project Plan. It an ornament, phone stand or just a fun print.It's as much an exercise in converting full sized drawings to printable miniatures as anything... Shared here is an STL plate of parts needed to assemble the chair. The only other thing you need is some glue. The Sketchup file is also included should you want to inspect of modify the parts. A full description of the conversion process from the ShopBot DXF file to STL file is outlined in blog post of mine. The post is directed towards Sketchup beginners, but the process may be of interest to all. The miniaturisation and 3d printing of larger scale CNC projects is always worth considering for visualisation and prototyping purposes.
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