Parametric Timing Belt Generator

By flaneur

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Parametric Timing Belt Generator

By flaneur

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Parametric Timing Belt Generator

By flaneur

at 2024-05-03
I have been tinkering with some alternative ideas for transmitting mechanical power to the hot end of my Ultimaker, and I wanted to try different belt types for it. Not having a big budget to buy belting, but a spare spool of Taulman 618, inspired me to expand on a belt generator module by DoomMeister and a tooth library by Droftarts.The module now prints straight segments, closed loops, and coils of belting in the following tooth profiles: MXL, T2.5, T5, T10, GT2_2mm, GT2_3mm, GT2_5mm, AT5, HTD_3mm, HTD_5mm, HTD_8mm, 40DP, XL, and L. I provided middle of the road defaults for backing thickness and belt width for each profile, but the defaults can be overridden. The rendering time in OpenSCAD seems to be a function of the number and complexity of teeth, and the print layout, and the times increase exponentially after a point.


A strong but flexible filament like Taulman 618 nylon is suggested for functional belts.


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almost 8 years
Sorry, still no weave option. That's a lot more code than I have time to do, considering my current work. IIRC, you probably are not getting a preview because maximum_diameter (@line 52) limits the belt diameter to something that would fit on the printbed. I suggest you print a spiral belt, join the ends, and see if that works for you.
almost 8 years
Also .. (sorry - newbie OpenSCAD user) .. I've tried: module belting( print_layout = "loop_inner", tooth_profile = "GT2_5mm", belt_length = 1580, belting_width = 6, max_diameter = maximum_diameter) { and module belting( print_layout = "loop_inner", tooth_profile = "GT2_5mm", tooth_count = undef, belt_length = 1580, belting_width = 6, backing_thickness = undef, max_diameter = maximum_diameter) { .. and neither give me a 'preview' ... what should I be using there to get a GT2 belt 6mm wide 1580mm long?
almost 8 years
I downloaded the new SCAD - but I don't see an option to weave the loop inside it's self to print a longer closed loop on a bed .. is there one? if so, which would I pick?
almost 8 years
Excellent - thank you .. yeah, I was going to try with a SainSmart Flex, or SemiFlex - those are still flexible, but don't have the 'stretch' that NinjaFlex has ... I will certainly try your new OpenSCAD file. I did figure out a way to splice my 'regular' GT2 belt - that looks like it will work, but I'd really like to try to print out my own. Thank you for your response!
almost 8 years
Hey goldentuna1200, I looked at doing that awhile back, but found that the tight bend required for reversing direction left the belt too kinked for my needs. I was using nylon back then. It may not be as bad with TPU. In any case, I just uploaded a newer version of the OpenSCAD file, with more belt options.
almost 8 years
Is there anyway to make a closed loop belt weave or spiral to fit a longer belt on a print bed area? I need a closed belt of 1580mm, and using this it gives me a belt diameter of 508mm. thanks for your work on this.
Pieter Bos
Pieter Bos
over 10 years
Thnx for making these, invert them -> robot wheels ;-)


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