Paper Chain - Parametric

By Peetersm

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Paper Chain - Parametric

By Peetersm

at 2024-05-02
This openscad code and models solves the Challenge: "Another link in a chain..." Create an object that has a connector on two sides. Produce it again and again, linking each together. With the following parameters: "Summer" and "Uniformity" and "Lone Star" Chain and summer remind me of saving gum wrappers for months and then making these cool paper chains, Each link is identical but the different colors of the gum wrappers made these chains beautiful. With this parametric design you can MAKE THEM BIG LIKE THEY DO IN THE LONE STAR STATE! Paper is more flexible that PLA so make sure to print the assembly helper tool and look at the assembly direction photos! ALSO I think printing with a single wall (using cura 3) would make this go together easier. Customize by using the free openScad program and downloading the .scad file.
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