Outdoor Enclosure for RPi Touchscreen

By 1-prop-head

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Outdoor Enclosure for RPi Touchscreen

By 1-prop-head

at 2024-05-02
Lots of parts to this one but the end result was worth it To facilitate service to my in ground pool I modified RPi OS to open the control page of my web enable pool interface (AquaLink). This is the enclosure I drew to mount the RPi to the wall near the pool. This is a design to create a waterproof wall enclosure to hold a Raspberry Pi Touch Screen (Seedstudio 7 inch Touchscreen Display) and the raspberry Pi with a power supply. It all fit in a three duplex wide old work type wall box. All parts were printed in ABS to allow solvent cementing the fasteners and edges holes were drilled and small screws fastened the 6 fastener pieces to the 4 glued screen positioning plates. Sealing was done using Permatex Ultra Gray gasket sealer around the wall to cover interface, screen to bezel interface and bezel to back joints. My Ultimaker 2 printer bed is not large enough for the Back and Bezel so I had to cut those in two parts to successfully print.

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I tinker a lot Like to solve issues one encounters every day. Do it in software Fortunately I can fix most anything and the 3D printer is my favorite go to tool. If you skip class don't skip physics, if you do skip physics you might skip theoretic...


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