Last month we needed a cheap orbital shaker with a pid controlled heater and a wide plate. So I decided to build it myself. The whole thing cost about 150$. I will upload some photos soon. Here is some details about building process: The middle gear has a small slit next to the hole. I inserted a 0.5mm metal foil into the slit, so the motor shaft won't slip easily. I put the hole lid on the metal project box and use it as a template to cut two holes on the box for two metal rods, then glued the hole lid to the box.I mounted 3 ball casters to the top of the box (then noticed that I should have used 4). So I made 2 additional supports (two half-ellipsoid parts) later.The weakest point of this design is the shaft of the side gears. It would be nice if I could set the fill density of only these parts to 100%.
Here is the additional materials to build this shaker:
- 1 electric motor ~300 rpm
- 2x 8x22x11 mm bearings
- 4 ball casters
- A metal project box
- 2x 8mm metal rod
- For heater, digital thermostat, heater plate, solid state relay and a thermocouple wire is needed.
<p>What do you mean by "4 ball casters "`?</p><p>608ZZ ball bearings?</p>
over 11 years
Thanks owen, that should work. Cura ignores very small features by default, so it may be a little tricky. I don't remember the thickness but it was a low quality print. It was probably 0.8 or 1.2 mm.
over 11 years
<quote>The weakest point of this design is the shaft of the side gears. It would be nice if I could set the fill density of only these parts to 100%.</quote>
Hi sinan
If you want to make an area solid you can put a void or more in you model there. If you put a 0.1mm hole inside your model and you have 1.2mm skins set in Cura you will get a 2.5mm column of solid plastic there (the hole in the middle is so small it will virtually get filled) If you put these holes close enough together they will all join up. You can check in Cura first. You also need to tell users what skin thickness to print at in your instructions.
over 11 years
I just wanted to edit it later, thanks :) This thing makes a relatively slow rotating motion (about 100-300 rpm ) and the orbit radius is 1 cm. If the radius is reduced and a higher rpm motor is used, the same design could be used for vibration generation. Maybe the side gears should be smaller too.
over 11 years
Cool! By the way, right now the design isn't published yet. So only us YM Admins are able to see it. Perhaps you forgot? It's not very clear, but we will make this process more clear a.s.a.p.!
By the way, someone should print it and strap this to it: