OpenSCAD Metric Nut, Bolt & Threads Library

By JustKrys

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over 4 years
Nice but Black is not the better way to see, and code is necessary for my use.
Huy Lê Quốc
Huy Lê Quốc
over 5 years
Nice library, great thanks JustKrys.
Anton Belov
Anton Belov
about 7 years
ISOThreadUM2.scad Removed error in thread_in_ring function (thinknes dont work) module thread_in_ring(dia,hi,thk) { difference() { cylinder(r = (dia/2)+thk,h = hi); translate([0,0,-1]) cylinder(r = (dia/2)+0.1, h = hi+thk); } } And add champfer on thread equal 20% of pitch. module thread_in_pitch(dia,hi,p,thr=$fn) // make an inside thread (as used on a nut) // dia = diameter, 6=M6 etc // hi = height, 10=make a 10mm long thread // p=pitch // thr = thread quality, 10=make a thread with 10 segments per turn { h=(cos(30)*p)/8; Rmin=(dia/2)-(5*h); // as wiki Dmin s=360/thr; // length of segment in degrees t1=(hi-p)/p; // number of full turns r=t1%1.0; // length remaining (not full turn) t=t1-r; // integer number of turns n=r/(p/thr); // number of segments for remainder difference(){ for(tn=[0:t-1]) translate([0,0,tn*p]) th_in_turn(dia,p,thr); for(sg=[0:n]) th_in_pt(Rmin+0.1,p,s,sg+(t*thr),thr,h,p/thr); cylinder ( d=dia-p*0.8, h=hi); } // make champfer on thread = 0.8*thread pitch // Anton Belov 18.05.2017 } and make champfer on nut bottom difference() { union() { thread_in_ring(30,6,3); // make a ring to enclose an M8 x 10 ISO thread with thickness 2 mm thread_in_pitch(30,6,1.5); // make an M8 x 10 thread with 1mm pitch } cylinder ( d1=33, d2=28.5,h=3); // make champfer on nut }
almost 8 years
Small note: For ABS (and maybe PLA too), scale nuts up by about 2% else they are quite tight.


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