OpenPnp SMT Feeder Worm Gear Drive Test

By jtronics

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OpenPnp SMT Feeder Worm Gear Drive Test

By jtronics

at 2024-05-02
###[More Projects on our Youtube Channel]( to get notice of a New Upload! jtronics DIY 3D printed - SMT Feeder gear drive Test 1 For our new pick and place machine, we decided, to redesign the automatic SMD strip feeder. To get the optimal design, we tried different gear stages. The goal is, to reduce the speed of the motor to get more power and to reduce the needed size. So we tested different worm and involute drives. All gears are designed by using the CAD software Solidworks and all components were 3d printed with a Ultimaker. The gears have a size of 25mm and a module of 0.5. more information :

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